Siberi iiriste ja päevaliiliate istutamine 24. aprillil

Esimene tõsine tööpäev kasvuhoones ja aias :) Korjasin erinevatest hoiupaikadest kokku ja sorteerisin kõik vanad taimepotid - leidsin hulga infot ka varasematest istutustest. Nüüd tean, et kindlasti on välja läinud mõned päevaliiliad lõunapeenrast, suvel siis saab täpse saldo teada kui õitsema hakkavad. Harutasin lahti ka esmaspäeval Saksamaalt saabunud paki iiriste ja päevaliiliatega.

Iris Sibtosa-Hybr. Lavender Landscape (Tamberg 2012) 5+1 väike. Kaks läks pikka peenrasse, neli pottidesse.
"It was produced by crossing a tetraploid Sibirica of near-species appearance with one of our best Tetra-Sibtosa hybrids. Like both of its parents it has lavender-pink flowers with lighter standards. The flower spikes grow to a height of 150 cm, have a twofold branching and produce seven flowers. The stems and the narrow leaves are strictly upright and in this way they produce a columnar appearance of the clump. Lavender Landscape is one of our most "garden-effective" cultivars. In 2011 we noticed a significant spontaneous seed setting in spite of its 3/1 genetic makeup."

Iris Siberica Dreaming Late TET (Tamberg 1997) 5tk läksid pikka peenrasse.

Tetraploid (tähendab, et rakutuuma kromosoomide komplekti on kahekordistatud. Tetrapoloidid on võimsa kasvuga, õiekattelehed on tugevamad ja ilmastikuoludele vastupidavamad, õite läbimõõt on suur.)  "DREAMING LATE has a later flowering period. Both varieties form strong clumps with many upright stems, developing each up to five large flowers. The colour is a must as a contrasting colour for blue Siberians."

 Iris Siberica Viel Schnee TET (Tamberg 1990) 5+1väike. Läksid pikka peenrasse. Sarnane Dreaming Late´le, kuid varajasem.

Päevaliiliad läksid kõik kuni peenra valmimiseni pottidesse. Pestud paljasjuursetele sobivat hästi peale transporti elu potis, et paemini taastada pakkimisel hävinenud peenikesi narmajuuri, mille abil nad vett hangivad. Seetõttu tasub neid alguses ka pigem vähem kui rohkem kasta. (Kodu&Aed aiavihik: Päevaliiliad)

Kollane Hemerocallis Berlin Tallboy  (Tamberg 1989) 4tk
"The  tallest large flowered daylily we know of with stems up to 180 cm height; yellow with a hue of cinnamon, tetraploid, fertile; flowering period: medium to late main season; needs an open, sunny position in order to develop strong upright stems"

Peaaegu valge Hemerocallis WHITE ROSE MEMORIAL (Tamberg 2007) 6tk
"With BIG BLUE as father this tetraploid daylily is large flowered as we expected. On strong stems with wide branching it produces strongly ruffled flowers with heavy substance. As a result of the GdS daylily trials in 2006 it got the award "Valuable Garden Variety". The same year it got the newly invented title "European Daylily of the Year" from Hemerocallis Europa. Under warm weather conditions the colour of the flowers is normally whiter than shown in the picture. Named in honour of  "Weisse Rose", the German resistance group against the nazi regime"

Hemerocallis CREME EXPLOSION (Tamberg 1995) 3tk
"An elegant tetraploid novelty in the "near white" colour class, selected from seedling of the parentage HELLE BERLINERIN x ARCTIC SNOW. Its large flowers show a strong ruffling and open to a moving shape; strong stems of about 80 cm height are extremely well branched and can produce up to 30 flowers; flowering period: early to medium main season; fertile in both directions; valuable breeding plant."

Hemerocallis CHRISTEL MARSCHALL (Tamberg 2000) 1tk
"Named in honour of a famous ballroom dancing trainer in Berlin, this tetraploid variety is our fourth pink daylily introduction; producing large flowers on well branched stems, its deep pink colour, enhanced by lighter midribs, is of special beauty in the light of the early evening; it is vigorous, healthy and fertile; flowering period: medium to late main season."

Tsiteeritud taimekirjeldused aretaja kodulehelt.


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